Waitress gets ‘alt=

If you choose to enter the restaurant industry, particularly as a waiter or waitress, you should be aware of the challenges that come with it. These include handling difficult customers who may be impatient and disrespectful towards you, as well as the physical strain of being on your feet all day long.The pay is the main problem, as it is quite low.

Since these workers are supposed to receive tips, the U.S. permits restaurant owners to pay them less than the federal minimum wage.Servers in 21 states earn a mere $2.13 per hour before tips. A recent report by The Wall Street Journal reveals that almost 15% of the country’s 2.4 million waiters and waitresses live in poverty, which is higher than the 7% poverty rate among all workers.

These servers are more likely to rely on public assistance and less likely to have access to paid sick leave or health benefits.Some customers are extremely rude and choose not to tip their waiter or waitress, even though it is expected. This happened to a waitress named Taylar Cordova, who was so upset with the customer’s behavior that she shared the bill online to bring attention to the disrespectful treatment of these workers.Cordova didn’t get any tip for a bill of $187.43. If she had received a standard tip, it would have been $28.11. The post has been shared over 12,000 times.

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